Don't let the pre-order offer for 9.0 pass you by. The 10% savings has been extended through the end of the week! 9.0 Features an all new Remote Manufacturing Engine (RME) product. The new module will be available for download to active Performa customers very shortly. Limited time pre-order Promotional offer: Remote Manufacturing Module (RME) product information:
New Products
SCSItoolbox Suite (STB) Additional Features & Tests
SCSItoolbox Suite (STB) Bug Fixes
Disk Manufacturing Module (DMM) Additional Features & Tests
Disk Manufacturing Module (DMM) Bug Fixes
Developer Toolbox (DTB)
In order to install and use STB Suite version 9.0 you must have current Performa coverage. To check your Performa status do the following on each system, and with each of your USB license keys.
New SATA View & Set Features function Introduction The STB Suite “original mode” ATA/SATA function for viewing and setting or changing SATA FEATURES has had a major makeover with many improvements in the new STB Suite version 9.0 Both types of drive connection supportedPrevious versions of View & Set Features would only operate on SATA drives connected via a motherboard native SATA port. In the new STB Suite version 9.0 the Set Features function now also works with SATA drives connected via your LSI SAS host bus adapter. This new feature makes viewing and changing SATA Features on any drive much faster and easier. Here is a screenshot of the new View & Set Features function showing both types of connections: Change Individual FeaturesIn the previous version of View & Set Features there was one button that you click after changing one or more features. This actually issued many SET FEATURE commands, even if only one Feature had been changed, which could cause compatibility problems with some drives. The new View & Set Features function presents a Change button for each individual Feature, so that only one Feature at a time is changed. As soon as you change a given feature the Feature name will be displayed in Red to indicate that the current setting shown on the screen has been changed from what the drives setting was. For example, the selected drives WRITE CACHE ENABLE Feature was set to Enabled, and now we have checked the Disabled button:
SummaryNow you can quickly view and change any FEATURE on SATA drives – drives connected to motherboard native SATA ports as well as SATA drives connected via LSI SAS host bus adapters. For changing any FEATURE in “bulk mode” using DMM STB provides a DMM Add-On program. Contact for information and availability.
IntroductionIn previous versions of the STB Suite the STB “original mode” ATA/SATA functions would only operate on SATA drives which were connected to a motherboard native SATA port. On the other hand, the STB Suite DMM functions require SATA drives be connected via a LSI SAS host bus adapter. Having this difference in functionality has been confusing and was counter-productive. SolutionThe solution as implemented in the new STB Suite version 9.0 is to upgrade the capability of the STB Suite “original mode” ATA/SATA functions to be able to work on SATA drives attached to an LSI SAS HBA as well as SATA drives connected to native motherboard SATA ports. For example, here is a screenshot of the new SATA View Identify Data function, which is typical of the ATA/SATA functions: SummaryThe following “original mode” ATA/SATA functions now work with both types of connection:
Here is a list of some recent customer training sessions that STB has conducted - live, interactive web sessions presented by STB programmers:
Contact Jeremy Wolfe at (720) 249-2641 today to schedule your own custom training session!