SCSI Toolbox :: Newsletter - July 2009


STB Suite 8.1 Overview (Screenshots and more) STB Suite v8.1

The STB Suite 8.1 has many new built in tests including SATA Drive Confidence Tests, Quack Quality Control tests, a SATA Command Sequencer, and much more. You can review the release notes online here.

We also have a complete release guide that covers the new HWK reprogramming instructions (for existing Performa customers), screenshots of the new menu choices, and much more. Read about the release here.

STB Suite 8.1 is ready! Are you? STB Suite 8.1 icon

STB Suite version 8.1 is ready to go. There are many new features in 8.1. To make sure you'll be able to enjoy the benefits make sure you've done the following:

  1. Make sure your Performa coverage is currently active. If not, contact Jeremy Wolfe in sales or purchase online:
  2. Watch the video and/or read the USB Hardware Key preparation documents. We also have the insructions in HTML here.
  3. After we have successfully upgraded your HWK license, you'll be emailed the new 8.1 release.

Customized training with an STB technician STB Training
Do you have questions about how to best use the STB Suite in your business? STB is happy to work with you in an interactive “live” environment to help you get the most out of your Toolbox. The cost? If you are a current Performa customer it is free! The commitment? Training sessions run between 30 and 60 minutes.

Here is a list of some recent customer training sessions that STB has conducted - live, interactive web sessions presented by STB programmers:

  1. Three stages of disk drive screening
  2. How to troubleshoot tape drive problems
  3. RAID issues in disk drive testing
  4. Multi-drive SATA firmware downloading with the STB Suite

Contact Jeremy Wolfe at (720) 249-2641 today to schedule your own custom training session!


spacer Ask Dr. SCSI - “Can I export my BAM traces to another format? ”
The real Dr. SCSIQ. "Can I export my BAM traces to another format?"

A. "Yes, in BAM v 8.1 you can export trace data to a csv file, which Excel or any other spreadsheet program will automatically read"



STB Suite alliance with Paralan Paralan

We'd like to welcome Paralan Corporation as a proud alliance to SCSI Toolbox, LLC.

In the early days of SCSI  HVD SCSI was introduced and a bit of a problem was created as SE SCSI and HVD SCSI cannot communicate.  Paralan Corporation developed converters to allow the communication and since then introduced more converters when LVD SCSI came into play.  Paralan continues to provide SCSI Converters (8 bit and 16 bit) in board level, table top and Rack mounted versions.  These converters may also used to extend bus length up to four times normal length.  SCSI Quiet Cable continues to be in demand as good SCSI cable is of great value.  The latest Paralan product is an iSCSI Bridge which allows communication between SCSI to iSCSI to take place.

To see all Paralan products visit the web site




Copyright © 2010 SCSI Toolbox, LLC - PO Box 620520 - Littleton, CO 80162-0520
Sales: 720.249.2641
General: 303.972.2072
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