SCSI Toolbox :: Newsletter - February 2003
Developer Toolbox Announced
Ask Dr. SCSI - Disk Scrubbing
Did you know? - Test Fixed or variable blocks
Did you know? - DTS
Developer Toolbox Announced
SCSI Toolbox is proud to announce our newest product the Developer Toolbox.
The world's most widely used SCSI diagnostic software product is now available
in a reference library.
The Developer Toolbox uses our proven interface to access SCSI, Fibre
Channel, or ATAPI devices from Visual Basic or C++ running on all 32 bit
versions of Windows.
This library can be integrated into all popular test and process development
environments such as Visual Basic or Visual C++.
Over 80 functions allow you to easily work with disk drives, tape drives,
libraries, and any other SCSI/FC/ATAPI/SATA peripherals! With more tests
and functions being added monthly, the Developer Toolbox is a solid and
growing test development tool. In use at major manufacturers and integrators,
the Developer Toolbox is the proven way to test peripheral storage devices
The Developer Toolbox also includes its own stand-alone development environment,
Scriptwriter Pro. Scriptwriter Pro is a Visual Basic for Applications
compatible development environment that includes a debugger/editor, an
interpreter/compiler, and a GUI design tool. Complete OLE-aware stand
alone applications with graphical user interface can be quickly created
with this tool.
Developer Toolbox is $1,295.00, for special introductory pricing and a
custom quote please write
For more information on the Developer Toolbox click here:
Ask Dr. SCSI
Q. "What are the dangers of doing a partition-only
disk scrub?"
A. When trying to scrub a partition on a disk drive you
are forced to rely on the operating system to define what the logical
block address range of that partition is.
As an simplified example, let’s say you have a partition that is defined
as starting at LBA 1,000 and extending to LBA 11,000 as illustrated below:
Partition “A”
1,000 --------------------------------? 11,000
Now, consider if LBA 5,000 is marked as defective, and is reallocated
to Spare Block #1 by the drive, as below:
LBAs Spare
1,000--------4,999| | 5,001 ------------------>11,000 /|\
When a software application writes data to this partition, the
write to LBA 5,000 actually writes its data into Spare Block 1. This is
done transparently by the SCSI drive itself, and cannot be circumvented.
Now, a data-thief obtains access to this computer and in a fairly easy
manner either 1) changes LBA 5,000 to no longer be marked as defective,
or 2) changes LBA 5,000 to be reallocated to Spare Block #2.
In either case, when a program is run which writes data patterns to this
partition, the data that exists in Spare Block #1 is NOT OVERWRITTEN.
Now all the data-thief has to do is to change any LBA on the drive to
be reallocated to Spare Block #1, and when that block is read the data
will actually be read from Spare Block #1, and they gain access to the
secure data.
There is no possible way to remedy this situation without a complete
disk scrub that includes a Spare Block scrub.
In summary, a partition “scrub” is not a scrub at all. It is certainly
much faster to execute than a real disk scrub, but it is in no way secure.
Did you know? - Test fixed or variable-block
That the SCSItoolbox tape tests will use either fixed or variable-block
records, depending on what type of data has been previously written to
the tape. But – you can change it!
Use the Configure Tape choice, from within the SCSItoolbox, to change
the blocksize, whether compression is turned on or off, and the density
code of the tape for the next test pass. Setting the blocksize to zero
will cause variable-length records to be used. Entering a positive number
into the blocksize field will cause that size (in bytes) fixed records
to be used.
Hint – rewind the tape before changing its parameters, and after
changing them use the WriteFileMark command to be certain that the tape
settings are changed.