SCSI Toolbox :: Newsletter - April 2004



Did you know...
StorageTek Distributes latest OEM tool release
...other Custom Tools
Ask Dr. SCSI - "My development environment is .NET – how can I use Developers Toolbox"
Did you know...
March Survey Winner
April Survey - For another chance to win

Did you know...
You can see the effects of tape compression on transfer speed using the Tape Performance Measurement Test? Changing between non-compressible or 2:1 compressible data, and enabling or disabling data compression on the drive will show what effects data throughput.

For example testing on a Sony SDX-500 AIT drive shows the following:

2:1 Compressible Data, Drive Compression ON
969MB of data written in 2 minutes, transfer rate = 8.075 MB/sec

2:1 Compressible Data, Drive Compression OFF
465MB of data written in 2 minutes, transfer rate = 3.875 MB/sec

2:1 Non-Compressible Data, Drive Compression ON
415MB of data written in 2 minutes, transfer rate = 3.458 MB/sec

StorageTek Distributes latest OEM tool release
Way back in 1995 STK contracted SCSI Toolbox to write a custom field service tool to run on Macintosh and DOS notebook computers. Since then the tool has evolved into a Windows based tool supporting all of STK’s SCSI and Fibre Channel tape, library, and disk devices. The latest release (version 8.5.9) is in final test stage and should be deployed very soon!

Other Custom Tools
In addition to StorageTek, SCSI Toolbox has created customized tools for Sony, Seagate, Overland Storage, HP, and Comverse. Do you have a need for a specialized tool or utility for your service group or for your customers? Let us know what we can do for you!

Ask Dr. SCSI - "My development environment is .NET – how can I use Developers Toolbox"
Q. “My development environment is .NET – how can I use Developers Toolbox?”

A. .NET is not a currently supported DTB development environment. However… 1. The next STB/DTB release in June will support .NET directly
2. In the meantime – here is a link with instructions on how to construct a DTB->.NET “Bridge” using an ActiveX control – BridgeToVCPSSL.txt

Did you know...
You can instantly restore the Mode Pages of a disk drive to factory settings?
Just go to the Disk->Commands->Mode/Log Page Functions menu and click the Restore Factory Defaults choice. Now your drives Mode Pages are factory fresh - good as new!

March Survey Winner
Once again we'd like to Thank everyone who participated in last months survey! Your feedback is very valuable to use and we appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. We'd also like to Congratulate Ernie Sochin from Tritronics Incorporated he is the proud owner of the ever popular USB Pen.

April Survey - Another chance to win
As an active Newsletter subscriber you're automatically qualified to take our April newsletter for another chance to win. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift certificate for you to buy your hearts desire at!



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Sales: 720.249.2641
General: 303.972.2072
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